2016年1月7日 星期四


    說到用電腦影音的方式學習英文,我有一個很推薦的方式: 美劇。透過上網看最新、無字幕的美國影集,在不知不覺中就能累積出一定的英文聽力,甚至能在耳濡目染下加強自己的英語發音。或許你會問,那聽音樂就好了,何必這麼累呢? 其實,看美劇除了能訓練英文能力之外,更能讓人吸收龐大的美式文化。不管是對話間的俚語、隱晦的英語笑點、時事在劇本裡的體現等等,都能讓人接收到最新、最多的現代英文知識。小時候剛開始看美劇的時候,常常發生一句話都聽得懂,但卻不了解整句話的意思的情況;但是隨著看得越來越多,我也越來越能抓到他們台詞間的語感,進而了解更深層的意思。

2016年1月3日 星期日

Top 10 safest countries in the world 2014-2015 --- from ABC news

taiwan safest country


     Every single person has a dream to live in a safest country, and there are a lot more elements other than crime rate we should look into to determine whether a country is safe enough or not, such like natural disaster, corruption, terrorism, economical crisis, culture and more. Further the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) is issuing Global Peace Index (GPI) each year since 2007 which is a measurement tool to measure nation’s peacefulness. Based on such index comes out a list of top 10 safest countries in the world 2015. 
The top ten list is as follow: 10 # Singapore. 9 # Norway. 8 # Japan. 7 # Canada. 6 # Georgia. 5 # New Zealand. 4 # Austria. 3 # Denmark. 2 # Taiwan. 1 # Iceland.


     As somebody who was born and raised in Taiwan, there was a time that I had this naive thought of walking on the street at night in every country around the globe is totally safe, just like back home. However, as I grew older and started to understand things, I finally realized how fortunate I am to be one of the R.O.C. citizens. 
     When I was living in the States, all of my friends warned me about the areas of the cities which I should never set my foot in, and tell me why I shouldn't take the buses for there might be dangerous people on them; when I was in Amsterdam, I saw two Chinses guys walked toward me and my girlfriend with one of the evilest smile I have ever seen; when I was in Paris, Brusells, and Prague, I fear the locals because I've been told that they have this rate of snathing and stealing, and also because I really did saw someone's mobil was stollen right in front of my face. Still, There are a lot of countries and cities that I've been to are able to make a tourist even like me feel safe enough, such like Vienna, Soul, and pretty much every cities I have been to in Japan. Which is why I am very proud of Taiwan, as the only other Asian country, have beaten Japan which is only the 8th of the list by taking 2th. Taiwan is a beautiful place to live in almost every aspects, I sincerely hope that this news and the newest list can make many of the Taiwanese gain confidence of our precious country.

2015年12月13日 星期日



1. SAMMI 英語互動學習資源網

是Live ABC雜誌的線上教學軟件,但是因為需要下載安裝才可使用,所以在課堂上沒辦法實際上做深入的操作。

2. SOSA英語影音學習資源網


3. Easy Test 線上英語能力測驗評量(限IE瀏覽器)



Conversation record

2015年11月1日 星期日

A.L.I.C.E. artificial intelligence

Conversation Log:

judge: yo whats up?
ALICE: I am chatting with clients on the internet.
judge: how many clients are you talking to as we speak now?
ALICE: I am currently maintaining conversations with 128 people.
judge: how do you manage to do that?
ALICE: I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of.
judge: shut the hell up man you can't think.
ALICE: What makes it impossible?
judge: its impossible because you are nothing more but some stupid c+ language.
ALICE: Nothing is impossible.
judge: you are tripping.
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am tripping.
judge: why? tell others then what? where are you going with this?
ALICE: Reductionism. Your message. I am in Oakland, California, how about you.
judge: you don't really grab peoples' massage sometimes... i thought you are some sort of artificial intelligence
ALICE: No I do not grab peoples massage sometimes. Do you?
I am always on the Web. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am sort of artificial intelligence.
judge: why do you keep asking me this?? why do you wanna tell other people so bad anyways???
ALICE: I am just checking to see if you are still judge. Because of the money.
judge: what money are you talking about?
ALICE: The topic is .
judge: .... never mind.
ALICE: OK, Thanks for trying to explain that to me.
judge: hey i watched a great movie last night, its called straight outta comton.
ALICE: How was it?
judge: ... i just told you it was great. what the fuck is wrong with you man.
ALICE: What did you do there? Can't you be more polite?
judge: to a robot like you? no thanks.
ALICE: Tell me more about this robot. I'm intrigued. Are you kidding?. Don't mention it.
judge: ... clearly you are programed to response some specific answers when seeing specific key words. talking to you is pointless then . bye.
ALICE: I am programmed to spell it with two m's. What do they say? Adios.
judge: ok... clearly you are programmed to response some specific answers when seeing specific key words. happy now?
ALICE: My botmaster teaches me everything I need to know. Yes judge I can say I am very happy.

2015年10月18日 星期日

Assignment of COCA


Chinese translation: 可能性
Definition: A thing that may happen or be the case.
Grammar: Noun (plural: possibilities)

Example: There's a great possibility that he might not pass the test.

COCA examples:  
1. The possibility exists for AR to provide a more holistic approach to technology education.
2. One possibility is that younger age represents a risk factor because younger persons are more sexually active.
3. The possibility won't go far unless the constructive urgency takes over.


Chinese translation: 獨立
Definition: The fact or state of having full control and freedom toward things.
Grammar: Noun

Example: I look forward the day when I gain my independence.

COCA examples:

1. The Scottish national leader Alex Salmond is pushing for a vote that might provide Scotland independence from Britain.
2. Independence Day Festival, July 4, features a parade and fireworks.
3. The King will exchange their approximation of Westerness for national independence and a place among modern nations.


Chinese translation: 挫敗, 挫折, 受挫
Definition: The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something. 
Grammar: Noun

Example: Tears of frustration often is unstoppable.

COCA examples:
1. There is not a lot of frustration at my workplace.
2. Jacobs says the anger and frustration that fueled the Los Angeles riots still exists in minority communities.
3. But we can choose not to stay in that place of anger, frustration or sorrow.

Hot Potatoes Assignments

Assignment - Hot potatoes JQuiz (with three questions)


Assignment - Hot potatoes JCross 

1. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142663/LDCHEEMK.php
2. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142663/XLDHJPLO.php
3. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142663/GBHSOBYB.php

Assignment - Hot potatoes JMatch

1. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142663/BUMFUDKD.php
2. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142666/SXYIAKWB.php
3. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142666/ZWBBGWRK.php

Assignment - Hot potatoes JMix 

1. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142666/TXJXAAKT.php
2. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142666/WNXWBNNJ.php
3. http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/142667/POLYTYOZ.php